Wednesday, July 31, 2019

German Buying Habits

German Costumer’s Buying Habits Online According to figures released by the German Association for Consumer Research (GfK), 34. 1 million German consumers buy merchandise or services on the Internet (2010). Among the most popular purchases are books, clothes, travel and concert tickets, and cars. Unlike in other European countries where there is a reluctance toward online shopping by seniors, almost half of Germans between the age of 50 and 69 buy merchandise on the Internet. Decision Making The Internet also plays a major role when it comes to decision-making among German consumers.Before buying merchandise or services,, they usually consult the web for information and to compare prices. The cheapest bidder is not always the winner; tidiness, easy-return options, sustainability and quality of the product are more important in the decision-making than the price. International Shopping German consumers do not necessarily choose German products. The most popular online vendors i n Germany are eBay and Amazon, with their international communities. Food and wine, consumer electronics, and even cars are among the most popular imported article. Corporate Social Responsibility 4% of consumers want to see more ethical behavior. And they hold both the government and brands accountable to deliver; up 34% compared to 2007 for government and up 23% compared to 2007 for corporations. Small correlates to responsible in our respondents minds. 68% said small businesses act more responsible. By stark comparison only 16% thought big business could be responsible, irrespective of sector or origin. National pride and ‘Made in Germany’ continue to gain relevance in the area of CSR. 52% of consumers believe national brands are more responsible, with the exception of the financial services.This is evident by their choice of the Top 5 most responsible brands (all German): Landliebe, DM, Bosch, Audi and Tchibo. By comparison, 37% believe European brands act responsib ly, 18% for UK brands, 11% for USA brands, and only 7% for brands from Asia. Companies and brands are an integral part of German society. And as such, society looks up to them to find the solutions. 47% of Germans see this as a critical factor for their brand choice (up from 43% in 2007) As we have stated before, strong brands that engage in CSR initiatives that dovetail with their offerings are better positioned to reap the rewards. And the research backs it up.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ap European History Summer Assignment 2012

Dustin Winski Jun 26th, 2012 AP Euro AP European History Summer Assignment 2012 Why did trade and travel decline after the fall of Rome? After the fall of Rome, with no government to supply protection or to keep the rads and bridges repaired, travel became difficult and dangerous. This danger, coupled with ignorance and lack of desire to change the situation by the powerful lords, whose manors required little trade, led to the decline in travel and trade. Who was the first â€Å"Holy Roman Emperor† and how did he get that title?After restoring Pope Leo III in Rome from which he had been driven by invaders, Charlemagne was crowned by the Poe as â€Å"Emperor of the Romans†. The Frankish Kingdom them became known as the Holy Roman Empire, a name that would remain until the Empire was dissolved by Napoleon in 1806. What is the difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire? The Holy Roman Empire was started by Charlemagne and was centered in France. It was c alled the Holy Roman Empire† due to the fact that the Pope crowned Charlemagne as the Emperor.What were the connections between â€Å"The Holy Roman Empire† and â€Å"The Church†? The Holy Roman Empire was an endeavor by the Catholic Church and Christian kings to restore in their own image the crumbled remains of the secular achievements of the ancient pagan Roman Empire. Define feudalism and describe the characteristics of its organization. Feudalism was also a social and economics organization based on a series of reciprocal relationships. The king in theory owned the land which he granted to lords who in return would give service, usually in the form of military aid, to the king.The receiver of the land became a vassal, and these grants of land were known as fiefs. Sometimes these fiefs were larger than a lord could administer. So he, in turn, granted use of part of the land to lesser lords who pledged their service in return. This system continued on until, a t the lowest level, a knight administered only small feudal estate. Why were strong kings rare and central government generally missing under the feudal system? Kings under the feudal system generally had weak methods for gathering taxes and for ensuring their rule.For both, since the King's writ didn't extend directly through a country, they were often reliant on local governing mechanisms. In practice, that usually meant the nobility of the region involved, whose loyalty was to their own family and its privileges rather than to the monarchy. What were the benefits supposedly derived from the feudal system? Who benefited the most? Feudal manors provided both political and social organization. They also were individual economics units , nearly self-sufficient due to medieval warfare, the difficulties to travel, and the resultant lack of trade.The feudal estate featured a manor-home, usually a fortified castle surrounded by protective walls, belonging to the lord, surrounded by field s, herds and villages where serfs lived and worked. What was the importance of â€Å"The Church† and the Christian religion in the lives of the Europeans in the Middle Ages? Religion and the after-life became the focal point of thought and living. The influence of religion can also clearly be seen in the art, architecture, literature, and music of the time. This was most likely cause because life was so hard on earth, the peasants endured it concentrating on and longing for their reward in the after-life.How did the ritual and sacraments of the Church establish a constant, ongoing relationship with its individual members? The believers of the Roman Catholic Church believed the seven sacraments kept an individual constantly connected to God and the Church from birth to death. The Church led the belief that one could only get to heaven through good deeds and observing the sacraments. How did the Church us the powers of excommunication and interdiction in maintaining its power? The idea of excommunicating individuals kept people from observing the sacraments which gave them the ability to enter heaven.Also, whole geographic areas could be punished through interdiction which prohibited the performance of any of the sacraments in that district. This made the Church more organized than any other political state in Europe. How was Education, learning and knowledge of Europe preserved during the lowest point of the Middle Ages, the so-called â€Å"Dark Ages†? Education was secured by the people being put into strict division of social classes most notably the Church, peasants, and the bourgeoisie. What was the dominant philosophy of the Middle Ages called? Who was its most outstanding spokesman?What were its basic beliefs, and how did the philosophy view life and understanding? The dominant philosophy of the late Middle Ages was best articulated by St. Thomas Aquinas and known as scholasticism. Who belonged to each of the three estates of medieval Europe an society and what was the primary duty of a member of each estate? How was this different from the social classes in modern society? The first of the estates were composed of the Church. The main purpose for this estate would be to claim the authority of God. The second estate consisted of the nobility of ‘society'. The primary focus of the nobility were to function as warriors.The third estate had little to no power in that time of society and composed of peasants and laymen. This changed throughout Europe with the coming of feudalism. This differs from modern society for the facts of a more prosperous middle class. Describe the guilds. Who made up their membership and what was their influence on the business practices of the late Middle Ages? In the middle ages, the ‘Guilds' were labor market intermediaries organizing training, working conditions. These merchants and craftsmen formed the basis for a new class of townspeople, the bourgeoisie. They would be the basis o f the growing middle class.How did the guilds improve the lot of freemen? How did they help business and trade? How did they restrict its growth? The improvement of the freemen could be seen from a point of their increase of professions. The benefits of this system would be the systematic control and increase of certain professions that were needed at the time. This order was kept to maintain employment and necesity for the freemen. However, as a result of the control over the market, restrictions on personal choice ended up restricting its growth. Who were the bourgeoisie? Why did they not fit in the traditional class structure of the Middle Ages?The bourgeoisie were merchants and craftsmen formed the basis for a new class of town dwellers. They did not fit into what would be considered traditional because of their system and plans of growing the middle class. Why was the social structure of Europe challenged by the growing number of free townspeople and the changing economy? With the strengthening control of the kings, powers and influence of the feudal lords led to leaving more land in the hands of fewer people. This led to the even farther decline in the idea of feudalism. How did the Crusades help to begin the change from Medieval society into a modern society?The Crusades stimulated trade by certain political, social, and economic changes. This was achieved by the unknowing attacks on feudal lords and in turn gave the increased power to the kings. The changes developed after the old nobility lacked the wealth to keep up with the kings. Why are the Crusades sometimes called â€Å"Successful failures†? The Crusaders led to the eventual fading out of feudal states in the most of Europe and is an important part of European expansion and colonialism. Why and in what ways did kings and central governments grow stronger at the end of the Middle Ages?The Kings helped facilitate the forming of countries by uniting small feudal states into large kingdoms. T hey helped develop the idea of a central government within these kingdoms. This centralized government was indeed stronger than the smaller micro-state governments . What obstacles stood in the way of the creation of strong central governments? Since strong central governments often emerge from weaker central governments or loose confederations a central government may also have to deal with regional lords who regard centralization as an infringement on their own ower. Why was the re-establishment of trade so important to the transformation of Europe? Re-establishment of trade was very important due to the fact of the bourgeoisie wanting to create a wider middle class. This could not happen because of what current state Europe was in due to the idea of feudalism. Also, where there is any contact between two civilizations ideas will be traded amongst them, giving each civilization new ideas.

Purpose Statement Memo

It is impossible to think about doing a successful business abroad without paying full attention on learning and understanding all the specifics of local business and social culture, including the variety of local customs and traditions related to business activity. The purpose of this report is to collect, systematize and summarize available materials about social and business customs of Japan, traditional perception of business and commerce in this country, specifics and tendencies of social interaction, the rules of business etiquette, nuances of formal and informal behavior, and so on, in order to help achieving an effective cross cultural competence when doing business with Japanese partners. Contents 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction: Basic Facts on Business Environment in Japan 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Business Culture of Japan 2.1.   Traditional Views on Business in Japanese Society 2.2.   Main Values of Business Culture in Japan 2.3.   Organizational Culture in Japan 2.4.   Strategies of Communication and Building Business Relationships 2.5.   Business Etiquette 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Social Customs and Traditions of Japanese Society 3.1.   Specifics of Social Interaction in Japan 3.2.   Impact of Religion and Ancient Cultural Traditions on Modern Social Life 3.3.   Cultural Nuances of Informal Social Interaction 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion: Recommendations on Developing Effective Cross Cultural Competence When Doing Business in Japan. References Doing Business in Japan. (2007 April). Japan External Trade Organization. Retrieved January 18, 2008, from: Doing Business in Japan. (n.d.) Kwintessential. CommunicAid Group Ltd. Retrieved January 18, 2008, from . Japanese Business Culture. (2006). Venture Japan. Retrieved January 18, 2008, from:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyze the issues associated with sampling, validity, reliability and Assignment

Analyze the issues associated with sampling, validity, reliability and bias for both approaches - Assignment Example zed by randomization of research participants into control and experimental groups, followed by administration of a treatment to the intervention group (Cottrell & McKenzie, 2010). Non-experimental design is however suitable for exploratory analysis and involves observations for descriptive purposes (Morra-Imas, Morra, & Rist, 2009). Reliability is one of the necessities of an experimental design and defines dependability of results for deriving conclusion. Validity, however, defines truthfulness of data (Karwowski, 2010). The first level of Bloom’s taxonomy, remembering, offers a basis for analyzing potential issues to reliability and validity in experimental designs. Inability to remember data means that wrong information can be incorporated in a study. When this happens, the data and its analysis are no longer consistent with actual observation, inducing validity concerns. In addition, reported data from some sub sets of an experimental sample will deviate from those from o ther parts, inducing internal reliability concerns. When this is significant, developed conclusion may not be consistent with population parameters, inducing external reliability concerns. Using accurate data collection and recording instruments and immediate data caption can however ensure validity and reliability based on ability to remember (Sevilla, n.d.). Reliability and validity are also significant at the experimental design’s data analysis stage in which ability to understand involved concepts in information and to apply the developed knowledge in analysis are necessary (White, 2010). The need to understand features of each data set and to identify potential relationships establishes this because failure to understand and apply the features threatens dependability and truthfulness of data. The issues further threaten ability to make inferences and to investigate causal relationships, which are the main objectives of experimental design. Sampling and bias are also incident to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Can public international law effectively moderate contemporary warfare Essay

Can public international law effectively moderate contemporary warfare - Essay Example International law is made by international treaties, which generates directives binding upon the parties, and accustomed laws, which are essentially state practices accepted by the community at large as establishing patterns of demeanor that have to be followed. Countries that are signatories to the international law do observe it, and infringements are relatively low (Basak, 2010). Nonetheless, such infringements such as racial oppression and armed attacks are exposed and attack the heart of the system, which is the generation and protection of international peace and justice. Just similar to normal assaults on national legal systems such as rapes, incidences of murder and robbery, corresponding attacks on international law show the weaknesses of the system devoid of their disparagement. In spite of the infrequent gross violation, the vast common requirements of international law are adhered to. This paper will seek to determine the effectiveness of the principles of international l aw in moderating the contemporary warfare. ... the threat or use of force Proscription on the use of force is the most significant principle that regulates International law, because of the magnitude of war, deeds of hostility and their consequences on the international system and associations between countries (Brownlie, 1999). This prohibition applies not only to the member states of United Nations but also to every nation. Additionally, this proscription is applicable to not only territories but also to borders and international distinction lines, because of the sensitivity of such lines in the cold war perspective (Armstrong et al, 2007). Most significantly, this principle forbids the indirect use of force. This is particularly significant since failing to include indirect use of force would mean that nations would indirectly do what they were prohibited to do. On one hand, it is clear that many nations respect this proscription. Additionally, this principle has been modified to include â€Å"lawful† use of force in nu merous instances using the powers of the UN Security Council. For instance, the Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) that permitted alliance forces to apply â€Å"all necessary means† including the use of armed force to sojourn Iraq’s illegitimate seizure of Kuwait (Dixon & McCorquodale, 2005). On the other hand, however, this principle has been the most challenged and breached principles of the international law. For example, the use of force for self-defense intentions, which is accepted in the customary international law as a â€Å"lawful† application of force, has been wrongly applied by the United States as an effort to validate illegitimate hostility (Basak, 2010). The USSR and US used â€Å"self-defense† to justify their use of force during the Cold War. In this regard, although this

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Company Law - Essay Example Further, company law largely interprets business law to the affected parties. Business just like any other discipline, which involves interaction between two or more parties, cannot be wholly exonerated from instances of conflicts (Emerson, 2009). Business law attempts to address diverse issues in a business. It enables swift and efficient enforcement of contracts. In addition, it ensures adequate legal protection to both private and personal property; it ensures clear framework and mechanisms for transferring and registering property. Furthermore, it also sees to it that intellectual property get due protection and enforcement. Business law ensures stability and the existence of a framework able to accommodate the management, operations, and establishment of companies. Company law puts in place a legal framework on how companies operate. It handles issues such as company formation, regulations in terms of limiting liability of members and general company’s functions and perfo rmance. Company law protects both investors and the public in their daily business transactions. Investment law offers grant to some businesses irrespective of their legal form. It also contains regulations in respect to transfer of shares in the Capital market. The company law foresees functions and the capacity of an individual since this is very essential during company formation (Kenneth & Clarkson, 2010). Corporate personality implies that as far as the company law is concerned, the personality of a company exist differently from its owners. Therefore, the state recognizes that certain business or firms contain legal personality. As a result, the company has the legal right to sue an individual or be sued in its property, name or be held accountable for its debts. It is this idea that allows limited liability for company shareholders to take place because the debt does not belong to them but to the company. Limited liability is the rational aftermath of the existence of separat e or dual personality. However, just like people in some cases can have limits placed on their legal personality, so as a firm or an organization can have legal personality with no restricted liability if that is the way it is granted by the law. Therefore, it is vital to note that a firm can be formed with no restrictions or in absence of limited liability. The rationale of the ideas of corporate personality and limited liability were well presented in the case of Salomon v Salomon & Co. Ltd in the year 1897. In this case, Salomon conducted his business as leather trader. In the year 1892, he formed his firm or company which he called Salomon& Co. Ltd. Salomon, his five children and wife each had one share in the newly formed company (Hannigan, 2009). Therefore, the family members were forced to hold shares on behalf of Salomon because the policy at that time required that for any company to be registered there must be at least seven shareholders. The Company bought the sole operat ion of leather business, which was valued at E 39,000.00. This showed Salomon determination for success in the leather business. Salomon paid E 10,000.00 in form of debentures for the assets of the company. He decided to pay in debentures so that he could be a secured creditor. Salomon offered a charge over the assets of the company at E 20,000.00 in E 1 per share and E 9,000 in cash.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Locate articles on the Internet about how population demographics are Assignment

Locate articles on the Internet about how population demographics are changing in the U.S., and other developed countries - Assignment Example On the other hand, the population demographics of developing countries such as Nigeria, Indonesia, India and Pakistan are characterized by high birth rates. The population in Africa and Asia is estimated to triple by 2030 due to the high fertility rates and unexploited resources in those countries (Shapner, 2007). The changes in U.S population demographics will affect the work, healthcare, private wealth and income security of the citizens. The business firms will be required to increase their social security contributions due to the increase in the number of post-retirement years for their workers (Kachru, 2009). The business firms will have to align their employment practices with the changes in population demographics in order to remain competitive. The firms will have to incorporate diversity in their talent development and implement human talent development programs that aim at attracting next generation of young and skilled workforce (Little and Triest, para 3). The business firms will have to shift more of their employees from full-time positions to part-time positions in order to address the life-balance requirements of the aged workforce and the need for luxury (Kurtzleben, para 4). The aging population in the US will increase the demand for health-care services. This requires innovative health technologies that will address the high increase in acute and terminal diseases such as Alzheimer and cancer. The business firms will have to offer additional medical benefits in order to ensure the aged workforce remain productive (Shapner, 2007). In 2008, the birth rate was 14 live births per 1,000 representing a 2 percent decline from 2007 statistics and general fertility rate was 68.6 live births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years. The high fertility rate was attributable to increased access to child care services and other societal adaptations such as male involvement in household labor. The mortality rate was 9.7 deaths per

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Marketing Plan - Assignment Example There exists cut throat competition and rivalry with nearly all cafes coming up with certain packages, promotions, and offers to attract clients, as the service being offered is highly homogenous. Our firm wants to operate in such a competitive environment and wants to get the major chunk of the market share, attract customers, and develop loyalty towards our services. Our organization aims at developing a cyber caf that provides the teenagers and the office and retired people a complete new experience of the internet as well as entertainment. The cyber caf will have a coffee shop in addition to the usual internet access that the ordinary cyber cafes offer. Thus the people visiting our cyber caf will get addicted to come again due to the relaxation and a complete new experience offered here. Our target market is mainly the students and the teenagers but we also focus the office going people and the retired old persons that can spend a new life here and enjoy the coffee and experience and search a massive amount of interesting and informative information on the internet. The corporate objectives of the business are to achieve at least 5 percent of the market share of the current i... Mission statement To provide our customers with a complete new experience of internet access and relaxation and to provide employee satisfaction to our employees Corporate objectives To become a market leader in the industry of internet cafes by providing the best services to the customers The corporate objectives of the business are to achieve at least 5 percent of the market share of the current industry in the forthcoming year. These are the least set objectives but the company aims to achieve more than that. The company aims to achieve sales of roughly $275,000 in the first year and then this figure increasing at least 10% annually. 3. Application of Strategic Management Tools & Techniques SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a double impact tool that analyses both internal and external factors influencing an organization on the whole; Strengths and Weaknesses are internal, while Opportunities and Threats are external factors. As understandable by the name, internal factors are within the spam of control of the organization while the external ones are not. The application of SWOT to an environment ensures that resource allocation can be analyzed and the strengths can be appropriately capitalized, while minimizing the weaknesses' impact for assuring maximum from the opportunities and minimizing the threats. Following is the application of SWOT analysis to Hot Coffee Cyber Caf: S Strengths -The entertainment offered by the caf which is not available at other cafes -The awesome internet speed and the equipment offered to the customers -Quality of services provided to the customers -Quality of the coffee and other beverages provided -Qualified Staff that can

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Core Competencies and Program Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Core Competencies and Program Objectives - Essay Example As such, the curriculum should be structured to deliver and foster synergy and persistence across the curriculum and yield to the assessment of program outcomes. II NLN Core Competencies and Program Outcomes for Graduates of Baccalaureate Programs NLN outlines four outcomes as demonstrating and mirroring mastery of essential core nursing practice competencies. The objective of nursing education for every nursing program can be grouped in four distinct outcomes: nurses ought to utilize their skills and knowledge to promote human flourishing for their patients, families, and communities at large. Furthermore, they should manifest sound nursing judgment, and should persistently persist in developing their professional identity. Finally, nurses ought to approach all issues and challenges in a spirit of inquiry (National League for Nursing, 2010a). The outlined components are envisaged to yield to core competency development. NLN six competencies entail: (a) allow learning; (b) assist in learner socialization and development; (c) utilize review and appraisal strategies; (d) engage in curriculum design and program result appraisals; (e) play the role of change agent and leader; (f) based on the role of nursing educator, seek quality enhancement (National League for Nursing, 2010a). ... This relates to the creation of pathways to execute the nurse’s distinct potential. This relates to the attainment of human prosperity as a life-long existential continuum of self-actualization and self-realization that perpetually continues to progress. The nurse should integrate the knowledge and skills learned to aid students, families, and the community at large to incessantly progress toward attainment of human capacities (National League for Nursing, 2010b). NLN Outcome/ competency for human flourishing The graduate of the nursing program evidently be a promoter for patients and families in ways that foster their self-determination, honesty, and continuous growth as human persons. As such, in mastering the art and science of nursing, the role of the nurse educator centre on aiding students establish core competencies to guarantee that the students can, subsequently, lead patients in looking past the clinical encounter, or the peculiarity in their health condition, and fo ster a re-assimilation of their experiences. Essential to attaining the program result of human flourishing details the strategic intertwining of progressively structured learning activities and the articulation of essential competencies throughout the nursing curriculum. A student can attain this outcome by learning activities that are pertinent and suitable to the program, and related courses. The notion of human flourishing is essentially a lived experience of contemporary nursing students, the fundamental concepts centering on human dignity, heat and illness, vulnerability, compassion, as well as cultural and ethnic diversity (Bjork & Kirkevold, 1999). This also involves capability to question standards of nursing standards in pursuit of

Medical uses of algae Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Medical uses of algae - Research Paper Example Their sexual organs are not found in protective coverings. In terms of physiology, they are basically autotrophic with all their materials from inorganic sources and photosynthetic producing complex carbon compounds from CO2 and light energy. Some algae are secondarily heterotrophic but retaining fundamental genetic affinities with their photosynthetic relatives. They include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Algae both live and dead are being used by the humans. The fossil algal diatomite deposits in the shape of light but strong rocks are used as building materials and filtration media in water purification systems and swimming pools. Some fossil algae like Botryococcus are sources oil-rich deposits. Some other species of green algae are grown for obtaining bio chemicals for applications in medicine and cosmetics. The nuisance blue-green algae have beneficial uses especially Spirulina which is used as dietary supplement. The blue-green algae are better known as fresh water nuisance organisms which form as dense blooms affecting human activities through toxins generated by them, by clogging water courses and affecting recreational activities (Bellinger and Sigee). Alage has been described as organisms containing chlorophyll made up of one cell or grouped together in colonies or with many cells and at times joining together as simple tissues. Their sizes vary from unicellular of 3-10 um microns to giant kelps up to 70 mg long capable of growing 50 cm per day. They are found all over the earth in the sea, rivers, and lakes, also on soils and walls, in animal and plants (as symbionts-partners collaborating together) and it can just grow anywhere where light is available to conduct photosynthesis. Thus, alage are heterogeneous and identified in two major types: microalgae and microalgae. Microalgae grow in bentheic and littoral habitats and also in the ocean waters as Phytoplankton that comprises species such as diatoms, (bacillariophyta), dinoflagellates (dinophyt a), green and yellow-brown flagellates (Chlorophyta; prasino-phyta; prymnesiophyta; cryptophyta, chrysophyta and rhaphdiophyta) and blue-green algae (cyano-phyta) (Gamal 1). 2. Microalgae’s products and their biological activities Microalgal phyla provide chemical and pharmacological compounds besides bioactive compounds of marine resources back to compounds marine invertebrates which may vary from one compound to another but with a strong suggestion that dietary or symbiotic algae are one of the participants of these metabolites. For example, the blue-green algae, Lyngbhya majuscula is the source of aplysiatoxin found in sea hares which feed on this alga. Likewise, highly active anti tumour compounds, dollastatins 1 & 2 extracted from sea slugs are of blue-green algal origin. Further, eukaryotic algae and dinoflagellates metabolites are seen in shellfish and other invertebrates as toxins. Furthermore, Brevotoxins 3, ciguatoxins and dinophysiotoxins are examples of paralytic shellfish toxins (Gamal 2) Cyanophyta (blue-green algae or cyanobacterial) The blue-green algae’s structures resemble structural features of bacteria. They are classified because they contain

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Emergency department bottleneck proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Emergency department bottleneck proposal - Essay Example The causes of the problem are two fold. The first is that the inflow of patients into the ED is not evenly spaced throughout the day and occurs as a rush during fours in the late evening and night. No plan can be created for changing the pattern of inflow of patients into the ED, as they occur as naturally. The second is that during the peak flow of patients into the ED, the services that are required to provide support for the ED in the provision of timely and quality care are functioning at their minimal ability, since they are in the after-hours mode. This is the cause that the sigma team to address in overcoming the problem. Practical barriers to receiving quality care in an ED is dependent on two key factors of access to service at the ED and the availability of the services required support services either in the ED or immediately accessible (Rust et al, 2008). Overcoming these barriers to quality service calls for consideration of the types of patients and the emergencies and the resources at the ED (Frush, 2007). The essential problem in quality care in an ED is the mismatch in the demand and supply of resources at the ED. From the perspective of the patient seamless provision of care from the time of arrival at the ED is the quality of service expected. The first step is this direction is preventing diversion of ambulances to the ED, which will reduce the overcrowding at the ED (Stokowski, 2007). The next step consists in organizing the ED into three separate areas to attend to areas to attend to medical problems, surgical problems and Urgent care area for triaging of patients. Staffing of the ED is the next issue. Since the ED peaks between 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm specialist services in the required different branches of medicine will be available. In addition the number of interns or residents at the ED will peak during this period of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Soccer Ball Lab Essay Example for Free

Soccer Ball Lab Essay I. INTRODUCTION Speed, distance, time, and acceleration are all very complex formulas that are interdependent. These formulas are measured in motion data and used to determine the final instantaneous speed, distance, time, and acceleration. Distance and time are two formulas that are used to determine speed and time. For example, distance equals speed multiplied with time given, time equals distance divided by speed, and speed is equals distance divided time. Speed and time are required to determine acceleration. ( This is how they are an interdependent formula. ) These complex formulas will benefit you in situations , where as you are trying to find the missing equation value dealing with motion data. For example, in many situations, the problem gives information with only the values of time and distance. You are trying to solve for the speed in the given problem, so in order to determine the speed, you’d have to taken the given information and divide the time by distance. In other situations, you are trying to solve for acceleration, which only initial velocity, time, and acceleration are given. You would have to interrelate the given values and take the initial velocity and add it to the acceleration, multiplied by time, then your data and equations sum up to the final velocity. These formulas and equations, in particular, acceleration and speed, are related to Newton’s first law of motion. This is also known as inertia, inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion and rest, or the ability of an object to resist any change in its motion. Objects at rest will remain at rest if both acceleration and speed are equal to zero . Newton’s first law of motion states â€Å"An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.† An unbalanced force is when 2 forces are not equal they work against each other. It acts upon an object, either opposite, or beside it. Depending on the situation, an unbalanced force can make an object either decelerate or accelerate. Friction is a common force that forces  objects to decelerate. Now, acceleration is compatible with this situation because when an object is traveling at a certain speed, eventually it will slow down and stop. Inertia works with the situation, because inertia is a property of mass, meaning the larger the mass, the more inertia there is. Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter an object contains, therefore the larger the mass, the more the object resists its change of its state of motion and deceleration. All of these are interdependent and interrelated resulting in all the solutions to these complex equations dealing with motion and time. II.PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS The purpose of this lab is to determine whether a soccer ball will accelerate, decelerate, or travel at a constant speed when kicked from a certain distance to another. If a soccer ball is kicked from a certain place to another, while being timed, then the soccer ball will decelerate .This is because the incredible force of friction will work against the force moving the ball. The unbalanced force will cause the ball to decelerate and eventually stop. III.MATERIALS 1. (1) Stop watch 2. (2) Soccer Ball 3. (1) Chalk/ Marker- IVPROCEDURE 1. Position yourself at a designated, and marked place. These must be measured in units, in order to get an accurate description. 2. Stand in your designated area, until the soccer ball reaches it. 3. Have the ball be kicked.  4. When the traveling soccer ball reaches you, stop and record your time. 5. Record the time showed on the stopwatch on a piece of paper This can be redone multiple of times. V.OBSERVATIONSobser * QUALITATIVE: The group walked to the measuring area ( A parking lot ), where stations were set up. A straight line, that measured 10 meters was marked across with a  piece of chalk. The soccer ball was very soft and deflated to have a more accurate observation. The soccer ball traveled on ground until stopped by a person. * QUANTITATIVE: Distance (m/s)| Time (Seconds)| Instan. Speed (m/s)| Acceleration (m/s ²)| 2| .47| 4.25| -4.7| 4| .93| 4.30| -0.62| 6| 1.5| 4| 1.57| 8| 1.8| 4.44| 2.21| 10| 2.49| 4.01| 2.22| Graph, representing distance vs. time. VI.ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION When the soccer ball was kicked, and measured, it traveled and eventually decelerated. Now, the ball decelerated, but not at a constant rate. It depended on various things in order to have taken the ball to either decelerate faster, or for the ball to have travel faster. But, in this case, the soccer ball accelerated very slightly on halfway to the 8 meter mark. This was due to friction and an unbalanced force, that took control of the 14 ounce soccer ball, and made it decelerate. The question, is why the soccer ball went at the speed, and not at a faster speed. Well, one person was chosen to kick the ball. The person, if they wanted to, could have either kicked the ball softly, or put more pressure into kicked it. If more people were selected to kick the soccer ball, the amount of force exerted on the ball might have been different. The factors that determine the speed the ball are the amount of force initially exerted on the ball and the unbalanced force. In this case, it was frict ion that acted upon the ball. VII.DISCUSSION Although, the group remained and recorded many accurate results, there were some complications. When conducting the lab, some people at other designated spots pressed their stop watches too early, resulting in different results. Another error that might have occurred, is that too much force was exerted on the soccer ball, when kicked. This could have resulted  in the soccer ball traveling at a faster rate. Either that that, the most observations and results were accurate.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Importance of Socio dramatic Play

The Importance of Socio dramatic Play Much of our understanding of the value of play has originated from Piaget (1962) and Vygotsky (1978), who focused on the role of play in childrens development. They saw children as active explorers of their world. With each new encounter or interaction, children were able to discover new meanings, and thus developed more complex understandings and skills. Play is therefore, an important part of the process of constructing knowledge. It enables children to control what happens and to use what they already know to further their understanding and development. Socio-dramatic play is one of the most important forms of play (Smilansky Shefatya, 1992). Play experiences support children to be active participants in developing and strengthening their character, finding their own voice in compromising with others or directing their play ideas. When engaging in pretend play, children use fantasy, make-believe, and symbolic behavior in representing one object as another (Kaugers Ross 2009). Pla y is a skill worth practicing and mastering not, as adults often seem to think of it, a mere time filler or something to do outside to blow off steam. Mastering play is as important as mastering oral or written language. All these modes of symbolic representation enable human beings to remember manage, plan, and communicate with each other (Reynolds Jones 1997). The term play is often used but loosely defined. For the purpose of this paper when speaking of play the kind of play that will be discussed will be socio-dramatic play (Smilanskiy 1968). This type of play,also called dramatic, imaginative, or pretend play, can occur with peers, adults, or both. Characteristics of socio-dramatic play include make-believe that involves roles, objects, and situations; and includes language and social interaction. The social aspect distinguishes socio-dramatic play from dramatic play because children can and do pretend during solitary play. Socio-dramatic play may also occur in combination with constructive play in early childhood classrooms. Much of what we currently know about sociodramatic play started with Vygotskys research. Vygotsky saw play as the leading behavior in childrens development. In Vygotskys theory, children play beyond their years (Bodrova Leong, 2005). The play has several elements to it. First, the play must include an imaginary element, second, involved children must have assigned role(s) with implicit rules, and finally, language must be involved. (Smilansky Shefatya, 1992). The Role of Teachers in Childrens Play Because children are the active participant they have autonomy over their play and this is one of the most empowering experiences a child can have (Canning, 2007). The adults in the childs world play an integral role. Children want support in practical difficulties, but also want to be seen as important and competent individuals (Pramling, Samuelsson, Johansson 2009). Children want to know when they are doing the right things and want to appear in a favorable light to their teachers and other adults by informing them when peers break rules. By this the children also confirm the teachers, in the sense that they are to be trusted, they know how things should be and they have power and knowledge to mediate. The role of the teacher in play is complex and can involve a directive, non-directive, and/or elaborative role. Howard, Jenvey, and Hill (2006) indicated that higher levels of teacher verbalization can reduce play behavior. Similarly, Tamburrini (1982) suggested that re-direction dev alued play as a learning activity whereas elaborative interaction facilitated play behavior. Play activities tend to occur more frequently between children rather than with teachers (Canning, 2007). Piagets clinical observations supported educators discoveries that children construct knowledge for themselves through spontaneous activity. Through the play experiences teachers provide; children acquire rules, imitate reality, and socialize with their peers (Piaget, 1962). So then in the early years for many teaching is based on observation. Teachers dont however just watch and sit idly by. They also make play possible. The play they make possible is rich, complex, and thoughtfully-planned. Socio-dramatic play provides an excellent context for children to develop and practice many important skills and behaviors that contribute to later success in school and life. As play matures, there is a progressive transition from reactive to and impulsive behaviors to behaviors that are more delib erate and thoughtful (Bodrova Leong, 2005). Teachers need to know how to observe play, helping children grow into master players. Like every stage of development, play does not occur automatically, it needs nurturing from a capable adult. Children must learn how to engage in satisfying socio-dramatic play and teachers must take responsibility for setting up their environment and assisting the play by taking on the role of observer, stage-manager, and co- player (Bredekamp 2005). Within research, play has been analyzed in numerous studies. The purpose of this study will be to examine the role of the teachers involvement during play. Specifically can a teacher or another trained adult improve socio-dramatic play to improve other cognitive and socio-emotional abilities? In order to examine this, the following questions need to be explored: What is the level of socio-dramatic play in the classroom? How is the teacher involved? What obstacles hinder progress? Method Participants and Setting Dependent Variable Independent Variable Experimental Design and Procedures

Rational Perspective And Approaches To Strategic Management

Rational Perspective And Approaches To Strategic Management The word strategy mainly takes for granted the historical and geo political conditions under which management precedences are determined and executed. Strategic Management is not just restricted to the business world rather it can be seen in the ever widening circle of problems which are suitable for its application- from public sector and NGOs to regional economic development. In this essay we try to explore the rationalities to help managers improve organizational effectiveness and corporate profitability. The dynamic approach seeks to explore the nature of strategic management as an organizational process. The rational approach exposes the contradictions between the idealised myth of perfect competition and the more realistic ramifications of market power as explored by business school strategists (Porter, 1980). But at the end of the day, for both approaches, it has been seen that managers are the only players within the organisational structure of the market who have any power in the real strategic process. This eventuality has been criticised by such eminent scholars as Whittington (1993), who proposes mechanisms to ensure that the strategy process remains objective rather than being captured by a particular management faction; moreover, he suggests that managers can draw from broader, less visible sources of power, such as the political resources of the state, the network resources of ethnicity, or, if male, the patriarchal resources of masculinity (1993: 38). Moving away from managers One limitation of the dearth of literature available on the analysis of strategic planning is an account of how a faction of global managerial staff came to assume and maintain a stronghold on the strategic processes in the larger scheme of the market. There, however, have been individuals who have addressed this issue, notably among them Shrivastava, who, in a landmark critique in 1986, sought for emancipation in the acquisition of communicative competence by all subjects that allows them to participate in discourse aimed at liberation from constraints on interaction (1986: 373). He also called on researchers to generate less ideologically value-laden and more universal knowledge about strategic management of organisations (1986: 374). Post modern critiques, such as that by Knights and Morgan (1991), take a leaf out of Shrivastavas book and similarly propound a more constitutive and inclusive approach to strategic planning. They see corporate strategy as a set of discourses and practices which transform managers and employees alike into subjects who secure their sense of purpose (1991:252). So they are saying that managers cannot stand at a passive distance from ideology and impose their personal rationales on an unaware workforce. But for all practical purposes, that is what takes place in the actual workplace a core group of elite members, often known as the executive board, are the only participants of strategic discourse, with more actual manual labour deployed on workers as we go further down the line. This norm looks like it is here to stay, at least for a while. This is because even in the contemporary business scenario, mid0level managers, even if they assume any strategic responsibility, are possibly livi ng an illusion if they feel that they have any decisive say in the actual decision-making process. If we draw from Sun Tzus seminal work on military strategy, The Art of War (1983), we find echoes of this theory, where, as in a military structure, it is the field marshall who is behind the drawing board and the foot soldier who is out there on the ground fighting. The captain, or the mid-level manager, does have a say on the functioning of the troops on the ground. But in actual effect, all he is doing is relaying the strategy of those above him, or the executive board members. The rational and dynamic approaches Before we move on further and investigate the pros and cons of the two approaches under discussion rational and dynamic let us start by taking a brief look at both. The rational approach This is concerned with an organisations ability to achieve the goals that it has set for itself. For this, the organisation must first identify a goal for itself, then define a set of means or objectives that can be employed to achieve this goal, and then set in place a list of activities that help put the objectives in action. An evaluation of the organisation is then based on the number of objectives it achieves in comparison to the number it had planned. The primary motivating factor in this model is profits for the company. As such, the top echelon of decision making under such a system can tend to be more autocratic in nature than in other models. Managers who are inspired by financial statements alone in turn tend to leave their workforce uninspired. In a critical study for his PhD, C.P. Washburn says, What we found is that executives emphasizing rationality in their decision making are less likely to be seen as visionary by their subordinates and more likely to be seen as autocratic. But the more holistic executives are seen as more visionary and less autocratic. But as things stand today, despite the non-holistic nature of a rational approach (Washburn, 2006), it still predominates in the global workplace. This is possibly because of the logical framework that defines a rationale approach. Managers who follow it believe that a precise end to an objective should be sought through equally precise and calculated means, and that focusing their energies on quantifiable activities that can be observed and measured is the best way forward. Even if not quite, in a sense, the rational approach can be summarised in the famous sentence from the 1987 movie Wall Street, Greed, for the want of a better word, is good. The dynamic approach The dynamic approach to strategic planning is aimed more at smaller businesses that lack the necessary revenue to implement all the complicated strategies that a larger organisation can. It was conceived by Edward Pierce, who was at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University until he retired in the early 2000s. The need for a new approach that moved away from the traditional rational approach was instigated primarily for the benefit for smaller firms. Apart from a basic strategy that is absolutely essential for a line of sustained credit, anything else is a luxury, not least because strategic managers are usually prohibitively expensive for such firms to hire. Moreover, it is not within the financial realm of these smaller organisations to develop a complicated strategy (which in all possibility only a handful of people in the organisation are competent enough to fully comprehend) and then let it gather dust. Unlike the larger organisations that have the means and the resources to leave strategic planning to the hands of a few select individuals in the executive board, these smaller organisations have a more hands-on approach across all levels of management, with even mid-level managers sometimes given a free hand to take decisions. The common necessity for a vision and mission Whether it be a large scale MNC or a small-scale non profit organisation, each must have a vision for the company. Essentially, the vision of an organisation is the single statement that will be able to guide the enterprise across its several strategic business units (SBUs) (Whats In a Vision Statement, 2003). Talk of SBUs brings us to the consideration of another critically important component of strategic planning a mission. There has been much debate over whether vision is more important that mission and it is not our prerogative to enter further debate here. Instead, we can simply define vision as an enterprise view and mission as an SBU view (Whats In a Vision Statement, 2003). Of course, the vision and mission of a particular company are determined by its positioning in the market context. The larger a company, the more complicated is its vision statement and more tedious is the process of achieving its mission. For instance, if we take LG as an example, the parent company has one single vision, but it is modified to suit the needs of its various SBUs such as those for phones, wireless equipment and other electronic appliances. It would not be feasible to assume that this vision statement would apply equally across all the different SBUs within the company. The same would hold true even in the case of a small company, say one that specialises only in making carpets. The vision statement would remain fundamentally the same, but would be applied in different avatars across the different departments that the company might have, such as carpet-manufacturing, the sales division, the training department and so on. Basic differences between the two approaches As we have seen so far, a maximisation of profits is the founding principle behind an organisations rational approach. It is the more traditional way of functioning, and due to its emphasis on increasing revenues as the most important objective, it finds support and has for a long time in Wall Street. But given the vagaries of the market situation not just right now post the financial crisis, but for a while now, there had been the need for a more theoretical approach to strategic planning than simply a total profit = total revenue total cost way of thinking. This is where, apart from the previously discussed need for a holistic approach, Edward Pierce stepped in with his dynamic approach. The rational approach was an all-encompassing one that looked at business through a one-light prism of profit. The dynamic approach, at least according to me, represents a better view of the complex market scenario that is prevalent at present. Large businesses have taken the biggest hit in 60-o dd years. Small businesses on the other hand are continuing to face the future with a bright prospect. In such a situation, a low-cost, direct-result-oriented approach to strategic planning suits the needs of a market that is thriving more for smaller businesses than for large conglomerates. But even while saying this, the benefits of a rational approach despite its disadvantages are there for all to see, and have been for many years now. The main amongst these benefits are an improvement in sales and profitability. It should follow then that productivity would see a similar surge through the rational model. This might have held true earlier more than it does now. Right now, it is possibly the inclusive nature of the dynamic approach that can be best utilised to increase productivity. And this increased productivity today apart from a more harmonious working relationship between the different levels of management would lead to more sales and profitability later down the line. The problem that I have with the rational model is that to an extent, it is behind the credit crisis that we faced as a world a couple of years ago. The greed that operated in Wall Street the same greed that is the basis of the rational approach filtered down to Wall Street. The world at large lost its humane characteristic to a degree and hankered after immediate financial returns and benefits, which is what led to the crisis that we faced. The other problem with the rational approach is its non-inclusive nature. If we take the example of any global financial institution that was affected in the crisis be it Lehman Brothers or the Royal Bank of Scotland how much of it was due to the middle-income banker who sits at his terminal in Canary Wharf for example? How much of an idea did he or she have as to what was afoot in the top rungs of the ladder? More significantly, if such people did indeed have an idea of how harmful the trend of borrowing from mortgage brokers was becoming and were not party to it and had feasible arguments to counter and tackle it were their voices heard? I am guessing not, because it takes a middle-income banker with tremendous guts to walk through the door of, say, the vice-president and tell him or her that what he or she is doing possibly for greed if not on a personal level then on the companys behalf could later have ramifications that the entire world at large would reel under. Another advantage that the dynamic approach has over the rational approach is that because it is more human-oriented than the rational approach, which is more finance-oriented, there is a reduced resistance to change. This is of critical importance since in the rapidly evolving global market scenario, continually changing to adapt to situations is the need of the hour. Moreover, since larger multinationals have been exposed post the financial crisis (which is a necessary standpoint for any study of strategic planning in the present scenario) smaller organisations are seeing the light of day more than in the recent past. This means that evolving approaches to strategic planning should be geared in such a way that it suits the needs of these lesser organisations so that they can play their inevitably crucial role in getting the world back to where it was. That is possible more through a dynamic approach to the problem than a profit-oriented rational approach. In fact, the very word, dynamic, is a literary representation of the zeitgeist of our times.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Personal Narrative- Monocross Motorcycle Ride :: Personal Narrative Essays

Personal Narrative- Monocross Motorcycle Ride As my flesh started to be spread across the pavement, dirt, and gravel, I thought to myself "Why, why did I ride today?" I wish I could have thought of a better way to get home that day. It had been raining that afternoon and the thought had crossed my mind not to ride home, but I didn't want to leave my bike at school. The day started out like any other day, except for one difference, I decided to ride my motorcycle to school. I woke up that morning and saw it was a beautiful, bright and sunny day, so I thought, "What a perfect time to ride my bike to school." I did my regular morning routine as usual. As I was going through my closet I decided to wear shorts, a t-shirt and a vest instead of a coat, because it was such a bright and sunny day. When I went outside I heard the birds chirping and this dog barking in the RV Park. It had to be one of the most beautiful mornings I had ever seen. The sun was shinning down on me making my cold skin warm right up. After I had gotten done looking at all the beautiful colors on the trees I started my motorcycle. It started just fine and sounded like a lion giving his morning roar. I put on my helmet and started out for school. This was only my second time, driving a motorcycle on public roads, and, since it was my second time, I decided to take the back roads to school. Riding to school on a monocross motorcycle is different from anything else. Monocrosses are a mix between a street bike and a dirt bike. They have the power to climb hills, but they also have a mirror, turning lights, license plate, and other things to make it street legal. The morning ride to school went great. The bike was running perfectly and cornered well. While I was riding to school, I got the feeling like I was flying. When I started into a corner I would slow way down. Then, when I knew I could shoot out of it, I would twist the throttle as far back as it would go and would power out of the corners. When I was powering out of the corners, the engine would whine like it was screaming for me to let go.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Proper Victorian Marriage Proposal Essay -- Victorian Era

A Proper Marriage Proposal Mr. Bradley Headstone, steadfast and uncontrolled, was met with denial from his beloved. By examining the etiquette apropos of an acceptable Victorian marriage proposal, and the social â€Å"rules† associated with courtship, we may understand the failure of Headstone’s hasty attempt at love. A Note on Love, and Falling â€Å"Love,† and the expression of it, in the Victorian Era was characterized by strict social etiquette and idealized expectations. Courtship was fundamental to the process of falling in love, and in fact, for the upper and middle classes, it was this systematic structure that allowed for the love and union of two people to be acceptable. A member of society could not fall into a fit of passion for another, express it freely, and expect an agreeable response. There was an admirable and proper way for a man to attain a wife. In general, for Victorians, the process of falling in love by means of courtship was a pleasant process if the proper measures of propriety were taken. Pre-Proposal Matters A gentleman, upon determining a marriage prospect, bears in mind several key features that constitute an ideal lady and wife. For the â€Å"stream of matrimony† to be ventured upon, an essential partner must possess these qualities- accomplished manners, be an amiable person, have an unblemished reputation, and â€Å"a mind stored with virtuous principles† (Lessels 25). Once this is determined and he feels love for the woman, the gentleman decides to proceed with the proposal process. The most important thing for a gentleman to do, once he has chosen a prospect, is to allow himself to reveal to the lady his character. â€Å"Some men†¦may have all the traits of a gentleman- a handsome exterior, and well skilled ... ...ue of monetary standing also comes into play after the proposal. In the dealings of settling the family’s and the upcoming couple’s finances, â€Å"let candor and generosity actuate you in this difficult transaction† (48). The Victorians allowed even love to be dictated by strict social order and control. However, it was still idealized as a blissful and ultimate convention. If all matters of propriety were considered, and if all is executed accordingly, â€Å"we will assume these rocks and quicksands past, the engaged couple happy, and the wedding day at hand†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Humphry 110). Works Cited Hill, Averyl. Averyl’s Attic. Averyl's Attic Design, Images & Text. 16 Mar 2005. . Humphry, Mrs. Manners for Men. London: Pryor Publications, 1993. Lessels, Julie. The Etiquette of Love and Courtship. Sussex: Copper Beech Publishing, 1995.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ruby Turpin Essay

Her knowledge does not rest upon the will of God, but on the racist environment she lives in. Ruby Turnip is a closet racist, she loves to categorize people and put them in boxes. It is the environment she is surrounded with that influences her actions. But the influence around her is not invincible. Ruby Turnip has been given the capability to break out of her mold and become something more. She has been given by God a chance to become a better Christian. A culture and way of life are engraved into your being from the beginning of your birth.A hypocritical culture, like that of the South, creates an interesting conflict of ideas and beliefs. The ordinary Southerner is a Christian who airships God every Sunday; one believes that at the end of time, God will judge them by looking at all his lifetime's deeds, both good and bad. But he is also born into an environment that has a lot of prejudice. These opposing values, one symbolizing charity and brotherhood and the other representing a n elitist culture, are taught and engraved in the South.Ruby Turnip believes she is a good Christian women but participates in the old southern pastime of racism. She believes that she is not racist, but is shocked to see blacks leading the way into heaven. She treats the black helpers like idiots, putting on a ask to cover her true prejudices and beliefs. It takes the spontaneous outburst of Mary Grace for Ruby Turnip to be shaken out of her closed point of view. She cannot understand how she is both a Christian and a warthog from hell. At first she cannot understand why, not seeing her own hypocrisy and pharisaic attitude.But at the end of the story, Ruby Turnip has a vision of the procession to heaven with those she considered lesser in front of her to heaven. It is a cultural shock. Everything she was made to believe in is false. Everything she has learned about the world and its society is false. The only Ruth she now has is the Divine Truth, the revelation from God. It is up t o Ruby Turnip to use this new found truth as way to become a better Christian ore forsake this new divine revelation. It is possible for Ruby Turnip to overcome and triumph over the social norms she faces in the depraved and biased culture she faces in the South.She, unlike the other characters we encounter in the story, ponders over the caste question. In one sense Ruby Turnip is better than her husband, Claude, and most other Southerners. She constantly ponders and obsesses over the classification of people as she may have a guilty conscience. Her constant thinking might make her able to come to terms with her own attitude. Claude is a man that accepts the bias culture that he has grown and lived with. Moreover, he neither questions nor ponders about the social question he is surrounded with.He chooses to ignore it. On the other hand, Turnip falls asleep pondering this question. Quote. Her nonstop mulling over this question shows that it is possible for her to grow into a more per fect Christian. The idea that while others do not think about the bias they have grown with, Ruby Turnip thinks about this social norm every day. Ruby Turnip t her core is a person with contradicting beliefs: a Christian, and a judgmental Southern. She is a person capable of being apathetic to the plight of others. She agrees with the spirit of the song.The gospel song's message â€Å"You go to your church / And I'll go to mine / But we'll all walk along together We'll help each other out† (496), which is played in the reception room, States that all though we are all different We are all Christians and that we will all walk together hand in hand to heaven and ultimately to God. This shows that her Christian beliefs of equality is a strong and integral part of her being. Ruby Turnip's philosophy in life is to help others. She makes it her life goal to help those that are in need, who need a hand. She never spared herself when she found somebody in need, whether they were whit e or black, trash or decent' (497). It is her duty as a morally upright Christian to not see others for what they are but for who they are. Ruby Turnip knows that before death, we are all equal. She dreams that â€Å"they [people] were all crammed in together in a box car, being ridden of to be put in a gas oven† (492) This graphic imagery references the holocaust when the Jews were crammed into box cars and transported. O camps. This scene symbolizes that before death and ultimately God we are all equal.That no matter our station or position in life we are, before God's judgment we are equal. Ruby Turnip although a biased and judgmental person, she is not morally at fault. The definition of a sin is any act regarded as such a transgressions especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle. Her sin or transgression is no a deliberate act against God's will. She believes in the truth that she has been taught: that racism and judgmental doesn't go against or oppose the divine will of God. The environment around her has affected her to the point of not realize her own moral faults and defects.This is the reason why she has trouble grappling over Mary Grace's revelation: that she, Ruby Turnip, a believer in the grace of God is a warthog from hell. Her judgmental and racism can only be considered a culpable sin when she encounters Mary Grace. Mary Grace is the first oppositions to the beliefs Ruby Turnip has grown up with. She is the only one to go against the social norms that have been imposed by the southern society. Mary Grace represents an enlightened, more modern world view on societal bigotry. It takes the grace of God to knock some human development into her.Ruby Turnip is not culpable for her sin because of her ignorance. Her ignorance of a more Christian point of view of the world, blocks her path to God. But as soon as God reveals to her the truth, Ruby Turnip has a choice: either accept this revelation or turn awa y from God and believe in the society beliefs. â€Å"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom much was committed, more will be asked of him. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes† (Luke 12:48).Those who are not given much are not expected to give back, they are punished less severely than those who much is given but don't give back to God are punished to the most limits. â€Å"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Chrism's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise: (Galatians 3:26-29). We are all brothers and sisters with Christ and because Of this We are the heirs to the promise of eternal salvation with God.

Singlehood, Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Cohabitation

This chapter focuses on the aspects of singlehood and the benefits of it as fountainhead as the d give births. The Primary advantages of singlehood atomic number 18 the license that is possessed and the control over their own life. Some of the social move ments which promoted singlehood argon The internal revolution movement involved receptivity ab turn up cozyity and permitted intercourse exterior marriage. The womens movement Emphasized equivalence in education, employment and income for women. The gay t genius ending movement Provided support for a life style consistent with ones sexual orientation. in that respect atomic number 18 contrasting types of single in the US there is the never married singles, Divorced singles, Widowed singles. organism single has some costs individuals who are single are to a greater extent probable to contract deceases or STIs. Women are as sanitary more likely to contract STIs from men, than men are from women. There are more sort s to go steadying a provide such as, hanging out which is acquiring together, in groups, it efficiency oft quantify be referred as Testing the waters. An different stylus is hooking up, in other words, effortless sex, which has no emotion behind it and no plans of seeing each other again.There is similarly other ways to find a partner such as using the meshwork or picture chatting. One way that kindle withal be helpful is reanimate dating which consists of having sixfold dates at once in a couple of minutes. This procedure can be helpful because both women and men can meet and socialize multiple quite a little in a reliable amount of time instead of fetching the only eveninging just for one date. Dating after divorce could be a little challenging and cal to a fault open a few problems the way they date could be completely dissimilar than when they first did.They tend to use the Internet for new partners, there are fewer potential partners, and there is a higher( prenominal) change of them contracting STIs. There are different types of marriages around the globe for lawsuit the Chinese cede this so called blind Marriages where none the bride or broom cook arent allowed to see each other until the actual wedding. Cohabitation is living together originally marriage. There is also different pay heed for it such as, Duration of the relationship, Frequency of long Visits, Emotional or Sexual record of the Relationship and Sex of the Partners.As well as there are different names of cohabitation there are also different types of it. Here and now- Money Savers- insubordinate Cohabitates Testers- Pension Partners- Marriage Never Engaged- security measure Blanket Cohabitates Cohabitating has its pros and cons some of the advantages of it are soul of well-being, Delayed marriage, Knowledge about egotism and partner, and Safety. The disadvantages are Feeling used or tricked, Problems with parents, Economic disadvantages, Effects on childr en, and other issues. Common law marriage is when couples that precious to be married did not have easy or convenient introduction to legal authorities.My personal Response I believe that everything that was presented in this chapter has very instructive features and some or most people could relate to. Personally I dresst have a sens of experience in this field because Im not at the aim where I feel like Im ready to move out and cohabitate. I know for a feature that some day itll happen and I might acquire some features that might not be so suitable, hardly by reading this chapter I have a broader understanding of what it takes, and the benefits that cohabitating brings and the disadvantages as well.I think that the ways of determination a partner are pretty interest because even thought Im not trying to look for a partner yet, it could relate to a whole lot of people like myself. break out is a pretty super C thing to do and everybody does it, for the sake of finding som eone, to have that feeling that your not only or just self-satisfaction. There are the times where casual sex is procurable, for the lack of a better word, and often times cannot be given up, I guess its overwhelming?Something that also called my financial aid was speed dating. I think that speed dating could be a bid and sociable event that might even change lives for the better of the worse. One more advantage that I would add to cohabitation, excessively the book ones, would be that you can perpetually count on that person that you exact to be there for you through the practised and the bad, someone that you can talk to and fire the physical attraction at times and exchange thoughtful words that could gain ground the cohabitating experience better.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mens Paternity Leave

College typography side 111 Fall 2012 Essay 3 Writing Strategy Prompts Evaluation Using the techniques of tender satire modeled in A Word from My Anti-Phone Soapbox (pg. 131), assess a public policy, social movement, or pagan kink you believe deserves serious and slender criticism. But dont save a paper simply describing your object glass as dangerous, pathetic, or unsuccessful. Instead, make heap laugh at your target opus also offering a arguable alternative. Causal digest After examining the port Charles Paul Freund deals with jeans (pg. 70), identify a like trend you have noticed or a change in golf club or culture that deserves scrutiny. It might adjoin to technology, entertainment, political preference, fashion, popularity of careers, or other areas. deliver an outline of the phenomenon, considering all causes or capableness consequences of this new mania. Then illustrate the trend with images that suggest its cultural reach or signifi potbellyce. Spend some t ime in the opening of your paper describing the trend and establishing that it is consequential.Rhetorical Analysis Using Seth Stevensons Ad Report Card Can Cougars conduct Cough Drops? on pg. 253 as a model, write your own critical analysis of a single ad or full ad campaign you capture worthy of attention. Choose a honeyed campaign, one that hasnt yet have much commentary. Literary Analysis In Insanity Two Women (pg. 231), Kanaka Sathasivan does a block, just about line-by-line analysis of Emily Dickinsons I mat a Funeral in my Brain past she compares the themes and strategies of the poem to those she finds n Charlotte Gilmans The yellow-bellied Wallpaper. For a project of your own, do either a close reading of a favorite short poem or song or a affinity of deuce works from different genres of media. For the close reading, tease out all the meanings and strategies you can uncover and show readers how the text works. For the comparison, be sure to being with works that amuse you because of some important similarity They may share a theme or plot or even be the same work in two different mediaThe Prince of Persia video game and movie, for instance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

While the free essays may provide you inspiration for writing, they can not be usedas is since they wont meet your assignment requirements.The special mission statement is as follows: Do â€Å"Whatever it Takes† to exceed each guest’s expectations.Background CiCi’s Enterprise is an American style buffet restaurant chain based in Coppell, Texas. how There are approximately 600 franchised and corporately owned restaurants in 35 states. The company was founded in 1985 in Plano, Texas by Joe Croce and Mike Cole.An argumentative first essay is among the many academic essay types.As president of the chain, Moore oversaw the company’s operations and franchise growth, eventually announcing his retirement in 2009, after 17 years keyword with the company. Michael Shumsky took over after Moore retired in late 2009. He had previously served as CEO of La Madeleine Restaurant, Inc. In new addition to its current 600 restaurants, in 2010 CiCi’s announced plans to add another 500 restaurants in the next 10 years.

Analysis thesis includes all the term goals and aims of the thesis which should be taken into account when writing the specific thesis.Environmental AnalysisSWOT The strengths of CiCi’s pizza make it one of the best in the industry. It offers a unique buffet experience with so many pizza varieties. Most of the competition in the industry only offers second one style of pizza with one price, but at CiCi’s you can get up to 20 different varieties with only one low price. If you don’t want to sit in the family oriented restaurant with the best customer service and eat then you have the option to order take out.Research is a kind of research conducted.Also, because the price is so low, there can be a perception of low higher prices = low quality. The one other thing that is holding CiCi’s back from being in the top five is that there is 15 states in the US that so not have a CiCi’s in them.Simply put, there needs to be more franchises slender buil d in order for this company to rise to the top of the list. (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.

As an example, let us look at a few of the pizzas Pizza Hut has promoted.The Mellow Mushroom is a pizza buffet that is less than a half mile from the CiCi’s in Prattville, AL. Mellow Mushroom offers similar services but at a higher price. One advantage that the Mellow Mushroom has is deeds that is looks a little more elegant and upper class. People who are looking for more formal dinner experience would be likely to go to Mellow Mushroom.Last, it has always valued satisfaction and customer support.All these companies are within a 20 mile radius.In a lucrative market like the pizza one, the more competitors the better the customer service because it is so competitive. Market Analysis The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There what are low barriers to entry for this market because there is not a perfect way to make a pizza, so how there is a lot of room for different types and different restaurants.

The way to guard yourself would be to do your homework.According to â€Å"Pizza Power†, PMQ magazine’s (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) Annual Industry Analysis, of the 67,554 pizza stores in the US, 59% are independently owned and control 51% of total pizza sales. public Franchises and chains account for 41% of the market and for nearly half the sales. The following pie charts were sourced from PMQ’s 2009 annual industry statistical analysis and depict the breakdown of pizza stores in the US and a breakdown of US pizza sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).CiCi’s pizza is included into the other very top chains 15%.Moreover, its crucial for a student to understand sides of an argument.This is compared to only 7% of those aged over 65 eating at least one pizza per month. Pizza also proved popular with parents. About 20% of the parents surveyed said that they purchase pizza more than three times per month, compared to 12% of adults with no children (Pi zza Franchise Report 2011, 2011). This customer group covers much of the target market for CiCi’s pizza.

By now youre probably inclined to find an argumentative essay outline template.For these special times of the year they need to forecast just how due much more products they need in order to keep the customers satisfied.The forecasting is done by looking at the previous year’s sales during that more particular time period; in addition, if there is any national media at that time. They take the dollar usage per item and multiply deeds that by the projected sales to give them how much to order of each item; the items being flour, sauce, and large pizza toppings (Hassell, 2011). Demand Forecasting cannot be done before there is a proper count of the inventory.Because the structure repeats the actions needed to finish a specific procedure getting there is very little to say regarding the procedure essay outline.The company as a whole tries to keep food cost percentages at 28% or lower, with labor cost of 18. 5% or lower (Hassell, 2011). Once the forecasting is done, then it is time to place the order. CiCi’s uses an online order management system called ESOS (Exhibition & Sponsorship Ordering System).

Even though its the first part of your paper, since it is going to outline the contents of your paper the abstract, by definition, ought to be written.CiCi’s has become such a powerful force in the pizza industry partly because of attention to detail in the transportation channel. They own their own transportation service.JMC restaurant distribution Inc. is a full service normal distribution company founded by Joe Croce in 1990, after he found out that other distributors were not able to keep pace start with his vision of great service, low prices and â€Å"whatever it takes† attitude.Many investors will be searching for investment opportunities in the years to come because of the development potential in the business Although the take-out pizza sector is extremely competitive.JMC brings the same dedication to great prices and great public service to its freight customers as it does to its restaurant customers. To date, JMC has served last over 1500 freight custom ers handling a wide array of dry, refrigerated and frozen products throughout the United States (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011).Just as important as the straight forward movement of goods, is the reverse movement.

Selective County Customers are able to proceed online and set an arrangement for Pizza.To compensate unlooked for the loss of the bag the receiving store will get one free bag of flour they next week when the truck comes in (Hassell, 2011).When the actual delivery truck comes to CiCi’s, carrying this week’s supply, it is the driver’s responsibility to unload the truck. The employees at the restaurant do not help start with unloading. It takes about 45 minutes to completely get all the products off the truck and into the store (Hassell, 2011).Qualified for.Damaged packages will be directed legal right back to the JMC in the reverse process. With the forward and reverse of all these products, transportation can get fine pretty expensive. The facility locations are very important because of this. CiCi’s has a total of three distribution facilities that are strategically placed.

A job cited entry has to be contained at the close of the essay.(JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011) That is where the CiCi’s in Prattville Alabama gets all of its products. Last, the many states shaded in blue are handled by the facility in Richmond, IN. All the facility locations were made with the main roads, possible traffic, and distance in mind.Following that, you can change sentences and your suggestions into the template to be able to finish your article.â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † is the phrase that every employee must memorize and say to every customer that comes into the restaurant. potential Customer service is a component that this company really focuses on. On the website they have a list of guest promises that they stand by. They are as follows: to do â€Å"whatever it takes† to exceed your expectations, to say â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s, to guarantee you a full-hot-fresh buffet, logical and to use our names to make yo u favorite pizza, to serve you in a fun, sparkling mad clean restaurant, and to say â€Å"goodbye, come back and see us (CiCi’s Pizza).

The development and implementation of new technology and marketing new strategies has enabled the pizza industry to adapt to growing consumer demands for cheap, fast, and convenient products. CiCi’s has done a public good job establishing itself as a top competitor in this market. In order for CiCi’s to compete with the top pizza franchises in the market, such as Pizza Hut, they need to get more creative. CiCi’s needs to increase their marketing budget, this would create many more awareness to their target customers and increase sales.This great company has expanded from one restaurant in Plano, Texas to over 600 in 35 states in 25 years.That is a great accomplishment, and they are not done yet. With a plan to build many more restaurants in the future, you can expect to see CiCi’s at the top of the pizza industry very soon. The supply chain management is one of the personal best in the industry because they own part of their supply chain.Retrieved No vember 30, 2011, from wikipedia. com: http://en.’s_Pizza JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.html Pizza Franchise Report 2011. (2011).Retrieved late November 24, 2011, from Franchisedirect. com: http://www.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Othello study question

on that point be 3 nitty-gritty causas for why agone despises Othello. The premiere be that past deep believes that on that point employ to be an skirmish amidst his married woman email and Othello. sequence in that respect is no real evince to alimentation the affair, the incident that ago believes it happened supports the feature that he is rattling paranoid and nifty power be clear-cut for reasons to hate Othello. The lookbeat is that Othello denied ago a progressional material he believes he procedureu e actu tot solelyyy(prenominal)y oft deserved.The feature that Othello nominates the pro interrogative to cassia is what leads agone to admit bulge come to the fore penalise on two. The threesome (and close patent reason to me) Is the fair particular that Othello Is a moorland (black) and ago Is barbarian act the fact Othello has assurance all over him and is praised by the opposite constituents. On inception 1. 3. 322, pas t meant that we ride to take for granted who we neediness to be and that some(prenominal) we evoke becomes our nature. ago chose to find fault with Othello because he is dis average and wants to anticipate on Othello look vertical grand adequacy to take him down. . disputation 1. 2. 60, communicate by Othello, performer that uncomplete fantastic or order formss had eer raddled there swords before. Othello is pestering them because they atomic number 18 both unseasoned and ar displace bulge out showy newly swords against a great warrior. make believe 2 1 . past (who we all write out to be a prejudiced by now) Is truly distrustful towards females and views them all as meaningless. We fanny prove from expression he treats his wife that he Is thankless of women. He Is likewise very decisive and sculpt towards all women, accept them to be null exactly misleading.On line past describes women as be pictures out of doors, bells in your parlors, wildcats in your kitchens, saints in your injuries, d shames cosmos offended, Players in your housewife, and housewives in your beds (all misleading and untrusty creatures). . Shakespe atomic number 18 reveals Sagos authoritative book of facts with soliloquies because they give agone a jeopardize to in reality be honest exterior of his deceptive character in the briny story.This is where the hammy satire of the dramatic event comes from. Sagos soliloquies in addition but the need of the line of credit mingled with weakly and ugliness (Ago disclosure in his soliloquies the apparition of his heart matches the trace of Othello skin, do them opposites indoors and out and how virtually of lagans evil plans are tog Into motion at night, the forcible mental representation of Sagos familiar personality). in all of this

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Creativity and Innovation in Indian Banks

emergence modernistic reapings by Indian organizations in the brinking heavens Akshita Shetty schoolchild K J Somaiya engraft of vigilance studies and look for PGDM (RM) b separatelyroll no 56 e-mail idemailprotected com addict During the whiz- term(prenominal) whizz decade, identity cardinal of the beas which on a lower floorwent glaring sea- transplant do and with with(predicate) mod strategies is doubtlessly the cambering celestial sphere. The atomic take 18na has been festering at a blind drunk gradation in India and is ch t issue ensembleenged with sev periodl(prenominal) aspects castred impertinent regulations from quantify to term, ever- ever-changing client unavoidably and perceptions, changing engineering science and changing operations. applied science has been vie a important sparing consumption in the severe advancement of affirming manoeuver and operations. Indian positing fabrication has jaunt localiseing onward both(prenominal)(prenominal) in groundwork of offer encourage added extend and delivering fictional character usefulness. It was popular opinion that the institution fiscal crisis would blow the Indian cussing sphere in a practiced manner. But, because of the rugged foundations of Indian verifying administration with the actualise from wholesome organize fiscal constitutions, the pass judgment violation of the dry land crisis was close to insignifi stick bring outt. Instead, it assistanted the avows to demand reinforced get a yen and turn approximate to the node with introductional approaches. depones advance to be on the grade of achieving sustainability and a long excerption because of innovation. Keywords novelty in affirming, engine room in desireing, changes in patoising, conversion in desireing, IT in blasphemeing, Indian coin canting. k instantaneouslyledgeability Technology has brought approximately a exculpate double replacement in the execution of blasphemes and spoken language of canting function. kaput(p) be the age when e reliable banking per genuineizeance demand a consult to the bank parting. instantly, well-nigh of the proceedings squeeze out be through from the soothe of ones main office and nodes choose non dress down the bank ramification for some(prenominal)thing.Technology is no on the whole- night an alterr, yet a championship driver. The maturation of the introduceings, diligents and intercourse applied science has added a contrastive remainder to banking. The selective culture engineering (IT) for sale instantly is reality lever sr. in guest acquisitions, hush-hush road mechanisation and exercise faculty, delivering slackening and force to nodes. m whatsoever(prenominal) of the IT initiatives of banks started in the ripe mid-nineties or the likes ofwise soon 2000 with an vehemence on the bridal of centre of attenti on banking solutions (CBS), mechanisation of stolones and centralisation of operations in the CBS.Over the delay decade, well-nigh of the banks absolute the re modernistical to engineering science-driven organizations. sorrowful from a manual, scale-constrained surroundings to a orbicu slowly movement with automated transcriptions and processes, it is uncorrectable to reckon the untoward scenario the domain was in the era forwards the reforms, when a innocent set or insularism of an nonations would remove a day. automatic teller machines, wandering(a) banking and on filiation bill honorariums facilities to v containors and national return comp either operate providers check well-nigh obviated the necessity for guests to ring a come apart. sort outes ar excessively transforming from visitable as motion bear on points into descent guidance hubs. The change has been very racy for banks bring in an sum up in harvest-feastiveness and opera tional susceptibility to be to a massive extent militant. emend fortune behavior collectable to centralization of information and real time accessibility of faultfinding entropy for close devising. With most of the banks creation engineering science- modifyd, the focvictimization is change over to computerizing regional furthermostming(prenominal) banks (RRBs).In attachment, banks be mournful toward end make and craft erudition softw be program and difficult to perfect the IT substructure created The banking outline in India has created a deferral for itself-importance in the authoritative competitive planetary champaign where betrothal of latefangled and advance(a) scientific developments carries the central to elaboration of agate line and its afterlife development. The Indian banking system has come along a long way from creation a faker dependent to house servant boundaries to a lede giant star in the world of financial run across the globe.Credit for this relegate goes to a concoction of factors standardized, the trigger of diverse economic reforms which gave a emanation to the banking bena, sufferance of new technology by banks in inst altogether to contour their line of businesses and increase recompense by improve follow efficiency and fling brink banking thingamajig to their guests. tilling Then and forthwith Indian villages were divest of discordant financial merchandises wish unwashed lines, indemnification and law doing hitherto, which ar at once affectionate through legate banking in the form of earnings kiosks and auras.The a.k.a. wedded to banking which is not routed through offset printinges is personal line of ascribe Migration. by this route, a sugariness of run is at the clients governance in todays banking system. This is manageable because banking legal proceeding atomic number 18 stored in a centr in eachy rigid innkeeper with which tout ensemble an former(a)(a)(prenominal)(a) branches of a bank argon machine-accessible. The technical foul systems in India be considered farthestaway more than advanced than those of Russian and Chinese banking systems b arely are fall arsehole far behind the UK, the res publicas and Singapore.Connectivity takes start Today virtually all schedule commercialized banks are connected to all the branches on a real time basis extending the anywhere banking installation to the customers, which kernel that it is not required for a customer directly to recall the branch in person in launch to direct transactions. no a customer has motley other options forthcoming with him exchangeable internet banking, active banking, ATMs (automated narrator machines), forebode banking which offers 24 X 7 banking, etc.Whenever and wherever a transaction is done in a bank explanation, the updated side is reflected in all the branches, olibanum devising anywhere banki ng possible. ATMs consume revolutionalized the banking orbit by making bullion in and other banking helpings available to customers at all times. forthcoming aspect The time to come of Indian banking lies in change magnitude enthronement in technology platforms and a greater focus on throughout solutions provided by IT major(ip) league like shopping centre banking products, just extraise CRM and in pledge instruction software. proboscis scope debut by Indian banks in aspects such(prenominal) as religious avail banking ATMSs lolly banking nomadic banking ECS/RTGS/NEFT sum up card/credit tease CRM (customer servicing) theatrical role studies (for example) southwestern Indian cuss The allowance disbursement of corporates , firms and such others who nurse tales with any of the 511 CBS branches would be managed by the aver, beset- waive and assuage of any bank shoots. The employer would be benefited in that the salary could be disbursed to any emplo yees/any genius employee who are/is works flush in far places where cognate has no presence.Dr. V. A. Joseph , prexy & chief operating officer of the assert and Mr. M. P. Gopalakrishnan,P nonmigratory ,CMS leave collectively launched the product . In his beginning(a) address address Dr. Joseph said, This thingumajig banking product, which is knowing for the thingumajig of both employers and employees, leverages the banks strong technology platform, which connects all the 511 branches and 26 wing counters of the bevel below burden cashboxing regular(a)ts entanglement fling anytime banking to its customers. GSSA arsehole be loose with nil balance.The moderate and chief executive officer of the entrust withal stated, southernmost Indian rim, organism a customer lie verify is endeavor tall(prenominal) to recall individualized customer service using the in style(p) expert capabilities. The expert aptitude of the border was recognize when the int rust could bag the banking technology truth accord from IDRBT which is the technical gird of RBI. The service tincture of the money box has withal been accept when the coin bank was selected in the learning ability funds C fore(prenominal) stare as the outgo private sector commit in India in the service feel segment. . Dr. Joseph as well as referred to the rapidity latterly started for online fight of offerings, submit of bank charges , through southward Indian stick remuneration gateway-the rootage bank to go online conflict -by the customers of the bank who are devotees of Guruvayur Sreekrishna tabernacle which is expound as the Dwaraka of due south India. This celerity is being utilized by the NRIs in any case to center offerings, hassle big with greater enhancer and security at the cad of a firing ,either for themselves or their aged parents resident in India.. sulfur Indian aver had holy on 26. 03. 07 the mould SIBertech by introducing a mo dify eye Banking Solution in technology coalition with Infosys Technologies when some banks had not even started capital punishment of CBS . SIB, had started this mold in 2001 to reelect individualized customer service. The new product now launched would support this whim, the lead cogitate his inaugural address.With the pursuit cautiously thought-out cherish additions of this progressive toilet facility banking product , banking for employers and their employees, is make passing flourishing and lucky * un slackze foreign ATM-cum-Debit humor for which annual aliment charges are not placid * Online booking of offerings for manufacturing business Sri Guruvayurappan, free of bank charges * O breakup of cash from the ATMs of other Banks free of bank charges (As charges would be borne by SIB) * O light utility payment and e-commerce work * No cartel on borderline balance The depositor savouring numerous freebies posterior earn the normal SB affair * The depositor eject operate his SB government note during his travel/ fleeting channel / air- hassle-free * The account can be un apply /transferred to some other branch with out any charge * uncaring of damage go over leaves (subject to limits in each socio-economic class ) * unacquainted(p) fund transfer facility through RTGS/NEFT/ devalued notes /DD guests of this lark-rich nest egg Bank account are to a fault provided with facilities to bluff sediment account and as well as enjoy mobile banking facility. Indian bankIndian Bank has won the halcyon peacock butterfly groundbreaking Products/ serve well Award for 2011. The acquaint was original by the banks Chairman and Managing coach, Mr T. M. Bhasin, at the homo social intercourse on score Quality, held in Bengaluru on Saturday. The purity was condition to the bank in scholarship of its plowshare to advancement of self help groups (SHGs). SHGs devote glowering out to be major vehicles of women em origi natorment. In the ongoing year, Indian Bank has so far disbursed Rs 1,360 crore to 55,391 SHGs, winning the get along icon under the SHG portfolio to Rs 2,336 crore, benefiting 175,390 SHGs, says a charge up unblock from the bank. put in Bank of India State bank of India, the largest public sector bank in India, offers the pursuance mod services. 1. SMS hard put This advanced root word was initiated by Mr. shivah Kumar, Dy. Managing Director of SBI. any customer who wants to clubhouse a disease sends the meaning upset to a stipulate number (8008202020). The content means and then calls the customer and records the elaborate of the affection. The complaint is then forwarded. SBI has true thousands of such messages since its commencement ceremony base and this service is a great success.Other banks start to a fault started imitating this service. 2. Crorepati solo Branch SBI has launched first of its kind branch for superior Networth Individuals (HNI) where it takes marginal Rs 1 crore to straight-from-the-shoulder an account, and that too on invitation only. This branch offers specialized banking facilities like kind managers, 24/7 lockers, all-embracing banking hrs, doorstep pick-up and displace facilities, in addition to treat customers five-star amenities at the branch. We acquit open as numerous as 50 accounts so far.We are positive(p) of initiation other(prenominal) one hundred fifty by the end of the menstruum fiscal, as per Mr. shiva Kumar, nous familiar Manager, SBI4. consort to SBI, an harming feature of the branch is 24 hour open lockers. The bank also is providing special salad dressing cortege for customers to cater to the inevitably of late night function goers segment. References -Y. Ramakrishna, serving plan in Banks for Sustainability, IJMBS Vol. 2, manage 2, April June 2012 -Indian banking system of rules look-alike of dogging innovation, 2008. -Process innovation in the Indian banking industry, 2009 Indian Banking domain Challenges and Opportunities -Keertiman Sharma, mental institutions in farming(prenominal) financial products and services, VOL. 2(1) 2011 35-37 -Outsourcing in the Indian banking sector gaining momentum, 2008 -Innovation in sell banking -India PRWIRE, reciprocal ohm Indian bank launches another modern wash room product, 2008 -Vortex engineering, solar forefinger to enable banking and ATM facilities for inelegant india, 2011 -J U Ahmed, service Rendered by commercialised Bank A Customer point experiential express from State Bank of India, Vol. I No. 2, Jan-2011 1 . serving Innovation in Banks for Sustainability 2 . technology in banking brainstorm and prediction 3 . Indian banking system figure of speech of sustained improvement 4 . solar power to enable banking and ATM facilities for farming(prenominal)India 5 . Y. Ramakrishna, usefulness Innovation in Banks for Sustainability, IJMBS Vol. 2, have intercourse 2, April June 2012